Mistreatment, inaccessibility, unemployment still challenge to PWDs

A man with physical disability being helped into a wheel chair. Mr Godfrey Kirama, the Coordinator Western Acholi People Living with Spinal Injuries Association says being confined in a wheel chair does not mean one cannot do a job efficiently.

Leaders of people with different disabilities want more to be done and put right for them to fit more in society like the physically able ones.

Ms Evelyn Kunihira, the Chairperson of Masindi Arthritis Support Association says that although some institutions have tried to make access to their installations by Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) easier, others are still adamant to cater for them.

She says accessing places of convenience in health facilities, schools and other public installations still remain a challenge to PWDs given the way they are constructed basically to benefit those without physical challenges.

It is on this background that Ms Kunihira urges the government to accord PWDs more special consideration by constructing ramps at all public facilities for their easy movement and accessibility.

Audio: Kunihira on accessibility (Runyoro/Rutooro)

Mr Alex Asiimwe, the Secretary for Brain Injury Support Organisation-Hoima wants government to enact laws that criminalise teachers who mistreat learners with brain injuries. He says often times there are reported cases of teachers beating up and abusing learners with brain injuries because of being slow in understanding.

He urges the government to stock medicine in health facilities such that people with brain injury can be treated before urging parents against discriminating and hiding their children with brain injuries.

Audio: Asiimwe on appeal (Runyoro/Rutooro)

Mr Godfrey Kirama, the Coordinator of Western Acholi People Living with Spinal Injuries Association urges the government to secure jobs slots for people with spinal cord injuries so that they can also be employed for a living.

He says people with spinal cord injuries find it hard to get jobs given the attitude people have about them. Mr Kirama says since people with spinal cord injuries are confined in wheel chairs, some people think that they cannot be as proficient at their jobs as the normal ones.

Audio: Kirama on employment (English)

These issues were raised during a two-day workshop for cluster leaders of people with physical disabilities organised by the Danish Association of People with Physical Disabilities, Uganda held at Country Inn in Masindi town.

Participants were drawn from four districts including Gulu, Lira, Hoima and the host Masindi with the aim of building their capacity on financial management, accountability and reporting.


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