As Bunyoro KItara Kingdom works to streamline its cultural agenda operations, the institution’s Premier, Andrew Byakutaaga, has clarified on how subjects and all that marrying Banyoro women can survive fraudsters.
He described a couple of features that differentiate the newly produced marriage certificates and the old one that faced a counterfeit challenge.
Mr Byakutaaga says a “Q” Mark is the main differentiator that can be easily examined especially by those with smart phones.
In an exclusive interview with Kazi-njema News about the disparities on the cost of the marriage certificates yet they serve the same cultural purpose, Mr Byakutaaga said the choice for a cheaper or a higher cost one is voluntary.
According to him, the collections will be used to facilitate other kingdom operations in the interest of the subjects.
Asked about who is eligible for the marriage certificate, he said that a Munyoro moving to marry outside Bunyoro culture can procure it to prove to the wife’s culture that he is recognised in Bunyoro whereas men marrying Banyoro women are mandated to have it for cultural recognition of their marriage.
The Prime Minister also revealed that there is a window for those that married and acquired the old certificate to return it and get an upgraded one. Those that lost their marriage certificates can also replace them as long as they can prove that the marriage took place fulfilling all Bunyoro marriage norms.
Official marriage is very important in the contemporary world where disputes over property sharing are becoming rampant and sometimes resulting into death.
According to the laws of Uganda, no matter the number of children and the years a man has spent with a wife, they are not recognised as a married couple that can enjoy equal rights on family property.
In case it is a house or land, the one whose name appears on the purchase or offer agreement is regarded to be the rightful owner.
There is customary, religious and civil marriages where one registers their marriage for recognition according to the laws of Uganda.