Bunyoro to experience too much rain -Weatherman

Rainfall in Uganda.

The Uganda Meteorological Authority (UNMA) says Bunyoro and Rwenzori Regions are expected to receive near average to above average rainfall this September 2024.

The UNMA Acting Executive Director, Dr Bob Alex Ogwang, says the rainfall that is being experienced over most areas of the central parts of western Uganda including Hoima, Masindi, Buliisa, Kikuube and Kakumiro districts of Bunyoro and Kyenjojo and Kyegegwa districts in Tooro among others indicates the onset of the seasonal rainfall.

“Peak rains are expected around late September to early October. The cessation of the seasonal rains is expected around late November to early December. Overall, near normal (average) with a tendency to above normal (enhanced) rainfall conditions are expected in this region,” he says.

Dr Ogwang says the predicted rainfall requires action in sufficient time and in an appropriate manner to take advantage of the information.

“This forecast should be used for decision making and planning in all rain-fed economic activities to improve the livelihoods and welfare for all our communities,” the weather expert continues.

Uganda generally experiences two major rainfall seasons including the March-April-May (MAM) and September-October-November (SOND) as the first and second rainy season respectively.

However, the northern region and parts of the eastern region usually experience a substantial rainfall during the June-July-August (JJA) season.

In a September 2, 2024 seasonal rainfall outlook over Uganda, UNMA said that several parts of the country are expected to receive near average to above average rainfall.

UNMA said that the SOND rainfalls are driven by a number of areas including the neutral phase of the Indian Ocean Diople (IOD) as well as the influence of the Congo air mass circulation, topographical features and large inland water bodies.

The weatherman said that in this view, the month of September is expected to experience wetter conditions compared to October and November.

The cessation of rainfall is expected in December 2024.


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