Bunyoro streamlines communication to rebuild its image, history

Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Prime Minister, Andrew Byakutaaga in his office.

Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom is working to organise the flow of information from the kingdom to the subjects in order to curb misinformation that has to some extent degraded the trust that people had in it.

In an interview with Kazi-njema News, the kingdom Premier, Andrew Byakutaaga said meetings are underway to ascertain that before January 2021ends, there is an organised structure of accurate and frequent flow of information.

The cultural institution will give updates on the challenges and progress it has made on behalf of the Banyoro.

“It is true that because we have not been organised enough, you find a lot of misinformation to the level that some people claim to speak for the kingdom without authorisation. This must end in 2020,” he said.

Audio: Byakutaaga on streamlining communication (Runyoro/Rutooro)

Mr Byakutaaga added that the strategy will involve getting the media closer through frequent press releases since they are key stakeholders in information dissemination.

In relation to re-organising Bunyoro’s history for the future generations and inspiring the young Banyoro, the kingdom has started mobilising reputable Banyoro to start piecing up all the historical facts that were never documented and the fragmented documents together ahead of publication and promotion.

According to him, it is a strategy that Bunyoro’s rich history is never undermined like it happened last year when Uganda’s National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) failed to consider key information in the history of Bunyoro, triggering concerns from the kingdom until the Centre pledged to consider the needed historical facts in the curriculum though it remains unclear whether it is already done.

Mr Byakutaaga said the kingdom officials want Bunyoro’s history to be repackaged and include the facts that were never documented and finally published before 2023 when the kingdom will be commemorating 100years of Omukama (King) Cwa Kabaleega’s assassination.

Omukama Kabalega remains in the world history for his protracted war against the British colonialists.

His eight-year Nyangire Rebellion was the second most protracted war against colonialism in Africa after that of the Mandinka Empire led by Samoure Toure.

The contemporary Bunyoro is made up of eight districts of Hoima which hosts the kingdom headquarters, Masindi, Kakumiro, Kiryandongo, Buliisa, Kagadi, Kibaale and Kikuube.

It should be noted that Bunyoro’s history is not limited to the eight districts.

To get it correctly, one needs to trace across the entire Bunyoro Kitara Empire before the British colonial invasion that saw untold looting, rape and murder amongst the Banyoro communities.

The boundaries of Bunyoro by then stretched to Karagwe in Tanzania and Mboga – Zaire present day Ituri Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) but not limited.

The elders from the Bahima community in eastern DRC, the Banyambo and Baziba communities in Tanzania absolutely have a lot of important Bunyoro history whether educated or not as long as they are asked to give it out.

All the kingdoms in Uganda have either directly or indirectly their history in Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom or they had an indisputable cordial relationship before they were frustrated by the colonial propaganda.


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