CNOOC Uganda rewards Bunyoro’s best performing students

The Head of Corporate Affairs at CNOOC Uganda Ltd, Ms Aminah Bukenya, speaks at the best performing students award ceremony at Kikuube District Headquarters in September 2024. (Image: Samuel Baguma/Kazi-njema Radio Unit)

The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Uganda Limited has for its ninth consecutive year continued to check some financial complexities that could handicap the best performing students from continuing with their education in its areas of operation in the Bunyoro Region.

The Chinese oil giant has this year offered Shs44m to the best performing students in Greater Hoima which comprises Hoima and Kikuube districts and Hoima city fighting any encumbrances that could arise to cause retrogression in their academic pursuit endeavours.

The total 218 beneficiaries are the ones who emerged the best when they wrote their 2023 Primary Leaving Examination (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) final examinations.

Hoima and Kikuube districts each had 70 students awarded while Hoima city had 78 students benefit, according to Ms Aminah Bukenya, the Head of Corporate Affairs at CNOOC Uganda Ltd.

She said that of these, 16 were students with disabilities whose efforts were recognised for their resilience and achievements; reaffirming the oil company’s commitment to inclusivity and equal opportunities.

Audio: Bukenya on education (English)

Presiding over the function at Kikuube district headquarters, the Kikube District Local Council Vice Chairman, Mr Vincent Alpha Opio, appreciated CNOOC’s consistent awards that have so far seen 980 students benefit from the programme since its inception.

Nonetheless, he cited lack of academic institutions and long distance to access them in some areas in Kikuube saying the challenge downplays children’s quest for education.

The politician called for all stakeholders’ joint efforts to ensure that they cooperate with all development partners like CNOOC and others to promote education in Greater Hoima.

Audio: Opio on education complexities (Runyoro/Rutooro)

Appreciative of CNOOC’s contribution to the education sub-sector in Kikuube, Mr Deogratious Byakagaba, the Kikuube District Education Officer, called for more interventions in the same area saying there still lie some gaps in the sports sub-sector.

He said co-curricular activities like performing arts and sports are vital in the contemporary world and see many talents not only exploit their propensity but also make it a source of livelihood.

The educationist revealed that it has been observed that whenever there are music, dance and drama competitions in schools in the district, many children are attracted there which can bait them to keep in schools.

The Kikuube District Education Officer, Mr Deogratius Byakagaba (2nd left) and the Kikuube District LC 5 Vice Chairman, Mr Vincent Opio (3rd right) among others hold a dummy cheque of Shs44m awarded to the best performing students of Greater Hoima at Kikuube District Headquarters. (Image: Samuel Baguma/Kazi-njema Radio Unit)

Despite the willingness, Mr Byakagaba said that the Kikuube district education department does not have the ability to fully facilitate students for performing arts competitions at various levels.

It is due to these financial connotations that some schools throw in a towel at the coerced detriment of talented learners, hence his call to support the faculty.

Audio: Byakagaba on co-curricular activities (Runyoro/Rutooro)



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