Over 500 homesteads submerged by Lake Albert floods in Buliisa

Residents of Butiaba wade through a flooded road in Buliisa District. (Courtesy photo)

More than 500 homesteads in Butiaba Sub-county, Buliisa District have been submerged by the rising water levels of Lake Albert.

The most affected people are from Kawaibanda, Butiaba, Boma, Kigangaizi, Tugombili, Walukuba, Bugoigo, Kamagongoro, Kigungu, Serule, Piida, Waisoki, Triangle and Magali landing sites.

Majority of the affected people are sleeping in the cold, under trees, in the nearby churches and schools.

The rising water has also cut off the road leading to Butiaba Health Centre 3 coercing patients to hire canoes to access medical services at the facility.

Ms Harriet Raciu, a resident of Boma landing site says that the rising volume of the water has forced them out of their houses to safer zones.

“Although we called for help from the authorities when the floods emerged on Sunday, we received none. This forced me to abandon my house in the middle of the night together with my seven grandchildren”.

Mr Samuel Gonza, a fisherman at Butiaba landing site says that he can no longer fend for his family after all his property including money was swept away by the floods.

Mr Geoffrey Opio, a resident of Piida landing site who is currently accommodated in the nearby Butiaba Miracle Church wants the government to relocate them to a safer place.

Lake Albert rising water volume displaces residents (Courtesy photo)

Mr Godfrey Baguma, a fisherman at Walukuba landing site says that despite the havoc caused by the floods, no help has been accorded to them by the government.

“We don’t have food, clean water and medical supplies since the only health centre where we used to get treatment is also cut off”.

The Butiaba Sub-county LC 3 Chairman, Mr Mugenyi Malitabu, says that “the current situation is out of hand since the water has now crossed the usual boundaries into people’s homes” adding that the sub-county is incapacitated to feed and accommodate all the families affected by the floods.

However, he says that his office has petitioned the district disaster management committee for help. He, too, appeals to the Office of the Prime Minister to immediately respond and provide relief items to the affected communities.

Mr Frederick Alituha, the Butiaba Sub-county Community Development Officer, says that due to the rising water levels, aquatic animals and reptiles like hippopotami and crocodiles and snakes respectively have started breeding within the communities.

The Buliisa District LC 5 Chairman, Mr Simon Agaba Kinene says that he has petitioned the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness and Refugees to extend relief assistance to the affected people.

In May, this year, more than 200 residents in Dei and Panyimur sub-counties in Pakwach district were displaced by the rising water of Lake Albert.


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