Hoima MP launches new drive for women empowerment

Hon. Harriet Businge Mugenyi holds a documentation kit for Village Model Group activities

The Hoima District Woman Member of Parliament, Ms Harriet Mugenyi Busiinge , has launched a new drive to mobilise women for saving groups in order to improve their lobbying capacity and create income generating projects.

While at the launch of the Village Model Group at Buhanika sub-county headquarters, the legislator challenged women to embrace development activities arguing that they are crucial in the national development process though the historical set up has been undermining their role.

 “We cannot talk of sustainable development when women are left out. Development is better achieved right from the household level where most women are,” she said.

Ms Busiinge is working to ensure that each village in the district has a model group to inspire the rest.

She pledged to inject seed capital in each of the groups to have them started for development activities.

The Buhanika Sub-county Chairman, Jamil Kasangaki, highlighted the need for serious sensitisation campaign ahead of financial support and savings to avoid conflicts that normally result from financial mismanagement.

“They need to be educated on financial discipline and trust amongst themselves,” he said.

Ms Grace Agonza, a women leader in Buhanika Sub-county was hopeful that the drive with will go a long way supplementing previous efforts to empower women.

“Since this does not require complications like proposal writing and a lot of money to start, I am sure many women will embrace it,” she said.


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