Reduce expectations on Hoima City – Minister warns

As many politicians continue using the elevation of Hoima municipality to city status drumming up support during this campaign period, Local Government Minister, Mr Raphael Magyezi, has revealed that a visible change for better might not be there soon.

In an interview with Kazi-njema News’John Kibego, Mr Magyezi said that public expectations should be managed to give people an opportunity to properly prepare to benefit from the city.

Some politicians in Hoima district are busy using the elevation of the municipality to city status as a tool to remain in office promising people heaven and earth to come soon.

Audio: Magyezi on expectations (English)

However, Mr Magyezi said that he is certain that with the oil discovery in the region, the level of investment will be high and help to tackle numerous challenges facing the youths including unemployment and lack of education opportunities.

The minister also elaborated on the demand for new laws and policies that will administer the city which are completely far different from those of a municipality though many people seem not to be conscious of it.

Some civil servants in the city have already started feeling the pinch for the need to have the laws changed by going without their salaries since bank accounts have to be changed among others.

He also explained about the beauty with Hoima City status, an achievement of President Yoweri Museveni and the NRM government.  

Listen to the elaboration in this audio.

Audio: Magyezi elaborating (English)
High profile dignitaries at the launch of Hoima Oil City (Photo: Kazi-njema News)

Failure to manage public expectations in the oil sector since the discovery of commercial oil quantities in the Albertine Graben in 2006, has forced many people to lose hope in the industry at the time government is saying production is around the corner.

Some people invested in crop farming much more than what was needed ending up incurring huge losses when oil companies suddenly started narrowing down their operations and staff coupled with the set standards for any farmer to supply their agricultural produce to the oil project camps.

The idle buildings seen in Hoima city and the hike in rent and land prices cannot be distanced from high expectations raised around the industry marred with numerous unexpected deadlines about the start of production.

Controversies around production agreements have until now delayed the taking of the Final Investment Decision by government and international oil conglomerates. Little has been done at the expected time.


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